
ES6 In Depth revisited, Hubs by Mozilla updated, plus the release of 'Stealing Ur Feelings'

Mozilla Developer Newsletter
ES6 In Depth: A JavaScript series revisited

This 17-article series takes an up-close look at many of the new features in the 6th Edition of the ECMAScript standard, ES6 for short. Although ES6 is no longer today's news, the In Depth posts are still some of the best explainers for JS features like Iterators and the for-of loopDetructuringModules, and more.
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Exploring Collaboration and Communication with Mozilla Hubs

With the WebXR API, and other advancements in Mixed Reality, we are able to explore ways to feel more present with others through technology. Hubs by Mozilla is built on top of WebRTC and supports real-time conversations between users in a shared virtual environment. Users embody 3D models in the glTF format called avatars, and you can access the environment directly from your browser. A VR headset is optional. The code powering Hubs is available online on GitHub under the MPL and we welcome contributions from the community.

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Introducing ‘Stealing Ur Feelings,’ an Interactive Documentary About Big Tech, AI, and You

Noah Levenson's six-minute documentary explains the science of facial emotion recognition technology and demystifies how the software picks out your features to understand if you’re happy, sad, angry, or disgusted. Using the same AI technology described in corporate patents, 'Stealing Ur Feelings' analyzes viewers' faces as they watch the film in real-time and uses dark humor to expose how social apps can apply AI to profit off users’ faces and emotions.

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How to Present an Easy-to-Follow Tech Demo

New York Times front-end developer Angie Siu delivers a quick and effective guide to presenting a tech demo. Whether your audience is a small group of team-mates, or an international conference audience, you can't go wrong setting context and articulating the problem you're solving.

Check It Out →

Firefox Developer Tools Tip 💡

Look through the eyes of your visitors...
A composite image showing a fox and a landscape with different color vision deficiencies simulated

It can be difficult to remember how one of your pages will look to someone who has color vision deficiency. Starting with Firefox 70, the Accessibility Inspector allows you to emulate various color vision deficiencies. Click the drop-down next to "Simulate" and choose one of the 7 options.

Simulate Now →


1. Getting started on MDN

2. CSS flex-grow

3. CanvasRenderingContext2D.getTransform()

View Source Conference, Amsterdam - Sept 30 - October 1

Mozilla invites front-end developers and designers to participate in this two-day, intimate, single-track conference. At View Source, we bring together visionary speakers to look at the web from technical and design perspectives, across platforms and devices.

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Fronteers, Amsterdam - October 3 - 4 2019

One of Europe’s premiere conferences on front-end web development, organised in Amsterdam yearly since 2008. It's a single-track community-driven two-day event.

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Concatenate, Lagos, Nigeria & Nairobi, Kenya - Oct 9 - 15 2019

A free conference for African developers with speakers from around the world, and sessions in two countries.

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JSConf Colombia, Medellín, Colombia - October 18 - 19 2019

Two days, twenty-four speakers. Talks in English and Spanish, from around the world, and around the region. Plus, a stellar lineup that includes Mozilla Tech Speaker Eva Ferreira.

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RustFest Barcelona 2019, November 9 - 10 2019

A conference dedicated to the Rust programming language. Tickets are now on sale.

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Web.Conf Asia 2019, Hong Kong, November 20 - 23 2019

Back for its third edition, Webconf will host another fantastic line-up, have multiple workshops, and show off an epic new venue in November.

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Web Clerks, Vienna, Austria - November 25, 2019

A single-day, single-track community-driven conference for designers, developers, and makers of the web.

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new coral products for 2020

2020 年第一帖,标记。 New Coral products for 2020 Thursday, January 2, 2020 Posted by Billy Rutledge, Director Google Research, Coral Team More and more industries are beginning to recognize the value of local AI, where the speed of local inference allows considerable savings on bandwidth and cloud compute costs, and keeping data local preserves user privacy. Last year, we launched Coral, our platform of hardware components and software tools that make it easy to prototype and scale local AI products. Our product portfolio includes the Coral Dev Board, USB Accelerator, and PCIe Accelerators, all now available in 36 countries. Since our release, we’ve been excited by the diverse range of applications already built on Coral across a broad set of industries that range from healthcare to agriculture to smart cities. And for 2020, we’re excited to announce new additions to the Coral platform that will expand the possibilities even further. First up is the  Coral Accelerator Module ,

Google Play 商店经过改进,可以更轻松地在更大的屏幕上浏览高质量的应用程序

  大屏幕继续增长,目前有超过 2.5 亿台 Android 平板电脑、可折叠设备和 ChromeOS 设备。随着需求继续以稳定和快速的速度增长,用户以比以往更多的方式与更大的屏幕互动,从社交媒体到玩游戏,再到多任务处理和工作。 Google Play 希望进行重大更改,让用户更轻松地发现和使用高质量的应用和游戏,从而充分利用他们的设备。 谷歌播放更改 Play 商店有三项更新:排名和宣传变化、低质量应用通知以及特定于设备的评分和评论。 排名变化和宣传潜力 最近,  除了 核心应用质量指南 之外,Google Play 还推出了大 屏幕应用质量指南 ,  以帮助您在大屏幕上打造出色的用户体验 。从支持纵向和横向模式等基本兼容性要求,到更多差异化要求(例如键盘、触控笔功能等),您可以查看整体功能。在接下来的几个月中,Google Play 针对大屏幕设备的推荐和排名逻辑将进行更新,以优先考虑符合我们的应用质量指南的高质量应用和游戏。这会影响您主页上的搜索结果和推荐,帮助用户找到最适合其设备类型的应用。我们还希望增加对 Google Play 应用介绍性内容的投资,以实现针对大屏幕优化的应用的特定公告。 通知用户安装低质量的应用程序 对于不满足 基本兼容性要求的应用,   我们希望更新我们当前的通知功能,以帮助大屏幕用户预测您的应用在安装后的外观和行为。此功能允许您主动警告用户未针对大屏幕设备优化的应用程序。我们目前正在研究有关此更改的更多详细信息,敬请期待今年晚些时候发布的未来更新。 按设备评分和评论 最后,   如前所述 ,在 不久的将来,我们将通过按设备类型(例如平板电脑和可折叠、Chrome OS、Wear 或 Auto 等)查看评分和评论来帮助用户找到更适合他们的应用程序。应用此功能后,Google Play 上显示的默认评分将显示为用户正在使用的设备类型的评分,让用户更好地了解他们在该设备上使用应用程序的体验。 您可以通过 Google Play Console 中的 设备类型分析 ,按设备 预览 评分和评论 。 通过按设备类型进行评分和评论分析的大屏幕优化 开始针对大屏幕进行优化的工具 针对大屏进行优化的开发人员已经 在用户参与度和留存率方面产生了 积极影响 。以下是一些资源和提示,可帮助您开始优化大屏幕。 通过 大屏应用质量检查表 检查 应用的兼容性等级